2014-07-07 15:37  点击:593
※ 产品简介 Product Description
服装大师成就明日之星。服装大师明日之星可谓是专为服装院校毕业的或者即将毕业的学生量身定做的一套CAD系统。里面包含电脑制版的服装大师小企业版软件和服装大师笔试绘图仪(幅宽为 90cm)以及手工制版的卷尺、放码尺、剪刀、票剪、打孔器、滚轮、锥子、记号本、圆珠笔、铅笔、橡皮。
"Garment Master System" achievement the "Rising Star". The "Garment Master Rising Star" is the Garment CAD system de-signed for the graduated or graduting students from the Clothing colleges,which contains the Garment Master CAD software,Garment Master pen plotter(width 90cm), as well as hand-plate of the tape,grading ruler,scissors,cut ticket,punch,rollers,awl,markers pen.Ball-point pen,pencils and rubber.
※ 功能特点
A 零距离接触服装大师CAD系统(服装大师绘图仪、服装大师智能CAD软件),让学生学得会、买得起、用得上,在实际操作中更好的理论与实践相集合。
"Rising Star" let the student be in touch with the Garment Master System(pen plotter and the CAD software) cosely,and will allow students to learn,affordable and useful,in practice a better combination of theory and practice. 
B “明日之星”专门针对在校学生以及个人版师设计,由厂家直接提供,压缩中间环节,将价格降至最低。
"Rising Star" designed for the students and the designers.Factory supply its directly with the best price. 
C 学生获得“明日之星”在理论与实践操作熟练后,可以立即与服装生产企业建立合作关系,实现了现代化的板师与现代化的企业相结合,让创业之梦提前启程。
When the student get the operation skills,who can establish the cooperative relationship with the clothing manufacturing enterprises immediately and realize their business dreams in advance.Achieving the modern designer and the modern corporate combined. 
D 在当就业难竞争激烈的大环境下,拥有“明日之星”无论你是独立创业、与同学一起并肩发展,或应聘进入相关企业工作,都是顺利踏上理想之路,让梦想早日起飞的重要一步。
In a highly competitive job hunting environment,owning the "Rising Star" can help you to realize the business dream in advance,whether you are an independent business or to development together with the your students,or recruited into the relevant enterprises. 